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JNTU PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTION PAPER PULSE AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS for Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Electronics & Telematics

JNTU PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTION PAPER PULSE AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS for Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Electronics & Telematics

JNTU PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTION PAPER PULSE AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS for Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Electronics & Telematics

II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
and Electronics & Telematics)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
1. (a) Prove that an RC circuit behaves as a reasonably good integrator if RC > 15T,
Where T is the period of an input ‘Em sin ωt′.
(b) What is the ratio of the rise time of the three sections in cascade to the rise
time of Single section of low pass RC circuit. [8+8]
2. (a) Draw the circuit diagram of slicer circuit using Zener diodes and explain its
operation with the help of its transfer characteristic.
(b) Draw the circuit diagram of emitter coupled clipper. Draw its transfer charac-
teristics indicating all intercepts, slopes and voltage levels derive the necessary
equations. [8+8]
3. (a) Explain the terms pertaining to transistor switching characteristics.
i. Rise time.
ii. Delay time.

iii. Turn-on time.
iv. Storage time.
v. Fall time.
vi. Turn-off time.
(b) Give the expression for risetime and falltime in terms of transistor parameters
and operating currents. [6+10]
4. In the nonsaturated binary shown in figure 4, the avalanche diodes D1 and D2 are
nominally identical, as are diodes D3 and D4. The breakdown voltage V?Z of D3
and D4 is larger than the breakdown voltage VZ of D1 and D2. Verify that the
transistors do not enter the saturation region. Assume that D3 and D4 are always
in the breakdown region and that either D1 or D2 but not both, is in the breakdown
region. Then verify these assumptions. [16]
5. (a) Draw and clearly indicate the restoration time and flyback time on the typical
waveform of a time base voltage.
(b) Derive the relation between the slope, transmission and displacement errors
(c) Explain how UJT is used for sweep circuit? [6+4+6]
6. (a) What do you mean by synchronization ?
(b) What is the condition to be met for pulse synchronization?
(c) Compare sine wave synchronization with pulse synchronization? [4+6+6]
7. (a) Why are sampling gates called Selection circuits?
(b) What are the advantages of unidirectional sampling gates?
(c) What are the applications of sampling gates? [6+4+6]
8. (a) With the help of circuit diagram explain the purpose of clamping diode in a
positive diode AND gate.
(b) Explain the effect of and diode capacitance on the output pulse of diode AND
gate. [8+8]

II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
and Electronics & Telematics)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
1. (a) Prove that an RC circuit behaves as a reasonably good integrator if RC > 15T,
Where T is the period of an input ‘Em sin ωt′.
(b) What is the ratio of the rise time of the three sections in cascade to the rise
time of Single section of low pass RC circuit. [8+8]
2. (a) State and prove clamping -circuit theorem.
(b) A clamping circuit and input wave form is shown in figure 2b calculate and
plot to scale the steady state output [8+8]
Figure 2b
3. Write Short notes on:
(a) Diode switching times
(b) Switching characteristics of transistors
(c) FET as a switch. [4+8+4]
4. (a) Consider the symmetrical emitter triggering circuit of the figure 4 with Rc=3Re,
R1=2R2, and VCC=6V. Indicate all the circuit voltages in the quiescent state
and indicate also the voltages immediately after a 5-V positive step is applied.
Assume that D3 and D4 are always in the breakdown region and that either
D1 or D2 but not both in the breakdown region.

(b) Repeat part (a) for a 25-V step. What limits the maximum size of the input
step? What limits the minimum size of the input step? [16]
Figure 4
5. (a) Draw and clearly indicate the restoration time and flyback time on the typical
waveform of a time base voltage.
(b) Derive the relation between the slope, transmission and displacement errors
(c) Explain how UJT is used for sweep circuit? [6+4+6]
6. (a) Explain the factors which influence the stability of a relaxation divider with
the help of a neat waveforms.
(b) A UJT sweep operates with Vv = 3V, Vp=16V and η=0.5. A sinusoidal
synchronizing voltage of 2V peak is applied between bases and the natural
frequency of the sweep is 1kHz, over what range of sync signal frequency will
the sweep remain in 1:1 synchronism with the sync signal? [8+8]
7. (a) What is sampling gate? Explain how it differ from Logic gates?
(b) What is pedestal? How it effects the output of a sampling gates?
(c) What are the drawbacks of two diode sampling gate? [6+6+4]
8. (a) Draw and explain the circuit diagram of integrated positive RTL NOR gate
(b) Compare the RTL and DTL logic families in terms of Fan out, propagation
delay, power dissipated per gate and noise immunity. [8+8]

II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
and Electronics & Telematics)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. (a) Verify V2= (V/2)(e2x
−1)/(e2x+1) = (V/2) tanhx for a symmetrical square
wave applied to a low pass RC circuit.
(b) Derive the expression for percentage tilt(P) of a square wave output of RC
high pass circuit. [8+8]
2. (a) Give the circuits of different types of shunt clippers and explain their operation
with the help of their transfer characteristics.
(b) Draw the diode differentiator comparator circuit and explain the operation of
it when ramp input signal is applied. [8+8]
3. Write Short notes on:
(a) Diode switching times
(b) Switching characteristics of transistors
(c) FET as a switch. [4+8+4]
4. (a) Draw the circuit diagram of a Schmitt trigger circuit and explain its operation.
Derive the Expressions for its UTP and LTP.
(b) Explain how an Schmitt trigger circuit acts as a comparator. [12+4]
5. (a) Explain the basic principles of Miller and bootstrap time base generators.
(b) A transistor bootstrap ramp generator is to produce a 15V, 5ms output to a
2kohms load resistor. The ramp is to be linear within 2%. Design a suitable
circuit using Vcc = 22V, −VEE = -22V and transistor with hfe(min) = 25. The
input pulse has an amplitude of -5V, pulse width = 5ms and space width =
2.5ms. [8+8]
6. (a) What is relaxation oscillator? Name some negative resistance devices used as
relaxation oscillators and give its applications.
(b) With the help of a circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the frequency
division by an astable multivibrator? [8+8]
7. (a) Why are sampling gates called linear gates?
(b) What are the other names of a gate signal?
(c) Compare the unidirectional and bi-directional sampling gates. [6+4+6]
8. (a) Why totem pole is used in DTL? Draw the circuit diagram and explain a DTL
gate with this.
(b) Verify the truth table of RTL NOR gate with the circuit diagram of two inputs.

II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
and Electronics & Telematics)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
1. (a) What is the function of a comparator? Explain its operation.
(b) Explain the response of a low pass circuit to an exponential input is applied.
(c) Explain the response of RL circuit when a rectangular pulse is applied [4+6+6]
2. (a) For the circuit shown in figure 2a , Vi is a sinusoidal voltage of peak 100
volts. Assume ideal diodes. Sketch one cycle of output voltage. Determine
the maximum diode Current.
Figure 2a
(b) Explain positive peak clipping with reference voltage. [12+4]
3. Write Short notes on:
(a) Diode switching times
(b) Switching characteristics of transistors
(c) FET as a switch. [4+8+4]
4. In the monostable circuit of the given figure 4 the resistor R is connected to
an auxiliary supply V1 instead of VY Y . If A2 is in saturation or clamp and
if A1 is OFF in the stable state, verify that the gate time T is given by Eq.
T =τ ln(VYY+I1RY−Vσ)/(VYY−Vγ) with VY Y replaced by V1. [16]
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Code No: R059210202 Set No. 4
Figure 4
5. (a) How are linearly varying current waveforms generated?
(b) In the boot strap circuit shown in figure5 Vcc = 25 V, VEE = -15 V, R = 10 K
ohms, RB = 150 K ohms, C = 0.05 µF. The gating waveform has a duration
of 300 µs. The transistor parameters are hie = 1.1Kohms, hre = 2.5 x 10−4 K
ohmshfe =50 hoe = 1/40K ohms.
i. Draw the waveform of IC1 and Vo , labeling all current and voltage levels,
ii. What is the slope error of the sweep?
iii. What is the sweep speed and the maximum value of the sweep voltage?
iv. What is the retrace time Tr for C to discharge completely?
v. Calculate the recovery time T1 for C1 to recharge completely. [6+10]
Figure 5

6. (a) Explain how monostable multivibrator is used as frequency divider?
(b) Draw and explain the block diagram of frequency divider without phase jitter.
7. (a) Why are sampling gates called linear gates?
(b) What are the other names of a gate signal?
(c) Compare the unidirectional and bi-directional sampling gates. [6+4+6]
8. (a) What are the basic logic gates which perform almost all the operations in
Digital communication systems.
(b) Give some applications of logic gates.
(c) Define a positive and negative logic systems.
(d) Draw a pulse train representing a 11010111 in a synchronous positive logic
digital system. [4+4+4+4]
