IV B.Tech. II Semester Regular Examinations, May -2007
(Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
(b) Explain what a client needs from an operating system. [10+6]
2. (a) What does transparency mean?
(b) What are the different types of transparencies the NOS middle ware is expected
to provide?
(c) How does the NOS address the problem of distributed time? [3+8+5]
3. (a) Explain the process-per-client Data base server architecture.
(b)Give examples of data base servers that implement the process-per-client ar-
(c) Explain the JDBC 2-Tier plus and JDBC 2-Tier(simple) architectures.
(d) What is the difference between a Decision support system and an Executive
information system. [5+2+6+3]
4. (a) What is meant by a transaction?
(b) Discuss briefly the ACID properties that make transactions desirable com-
modities in client/server computing.
(c) What is a TP monitor? What are its functions?
(d) Compare the database requirements of OLTP and DSS. [2+4+4+6 ]
5. (a) Why is Group ware important?
(b) How is Group ware different from SQL Databases?
(c) Explain briefly how a Notes application is built.
(d) What are the benefits of using client/server oriented TP Monitors.[3+3+4+6]
6. (a) What makes Transactional communications different from traditional commu-
nication models?
(b) Discuss briefly the Group ware constituent Technologies. [6+10]
7. (a) What kind of services does a Domino Mail server provide?
(b) Compare the messaging (MOM) and RPC architectures.
(c) What are the limitations of the two-phase commit protocol? [5+7+4]
8. Write notes on the following:
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Code No: RR421203 Set No.1
(a) Security sockets Layer (SSL)
(b) Proxy Firewalls.
(c) The Five Axes of client/server Tools. [4+4+8]
IV B.Tech. II Semester Regular Examinations, May -2007
(Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
tributed software.
(b) Compare 2-tier and 3-tier client/server architectures. [8+8]
2. (a) What is a Digital certificate?
(b) What information does an X.509 certificate contain?
(c) Compare MOM(messaging) and RPC architectures.
(d) What mechanisms NOSS provide for dealing with tampering and confidentiality
of in-transit-data. [2+3+6+5]
3. (a) Explain the Hybrid Database server Architecture.
(b) Give examples of data base servers that implement this Architecture.
(c) Explain briefly the elements of a Dataware housing system. [4+2+10]
4. (a) Explain the extended services the server programs can expect to get from their
opetrating systems.
(b) Discuss the following clustering Architectures:
i. shared-disk
ii. shared-nothing.
5. (a) What is TP-lite? What is TP-Heavy?
(b) What are the differences between Process-oriented work flows and Ad hoc
work flows?
(c) What are the functions provided by the combined Notes/Domino client/server
application development and run-time environment? [4+4+8]
6. (a) Discuss the JDBC 2-Tier and JDBC 2-Tier plus Architectures.
(b) What are the benefits of JDBC 2-Tier plus Architecture?
(c) Compare the programming efforts for DSS and OLTP. [6+6+4]
7. (a) Discuss the following Internet Mail protocols:
ii. IMAP4
iii. POP3.
(b) Discuss the various operations allowed to be performed by the Lotus Notes
(c) What is data mining? What searching methods are generally used by data
mining tools? [6+6+4]
8. Write notes on the following:
(a) Rapid proto typing methodology.
(b) Summary of the features that distinguish OOUIs from GUIs.
(c) Virtual Private Network. [4+9+3]
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Code No: RR421203 Set No.3
IV B.Tech. II Semester Regular Examinations, May -2007
(Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. (a) Explain the following client/server models:
i. Fat server model
ii. Fat client model.
(b) How does 3 tier client/server system compare with 2 tier client/server system.
(c) Give examples of 2 tier client/server systems. [6+8+2]
2. (a) Explain the shared private key approach to encryption with the help of a
suitable diagram.
(b) Explain with a simple application how the RPC mechanism works. [6+10]
3. (a) Explain the Multithreaded Database server architecture.
(b) Give examples of data base servers that implement this architecture.
(c) Explain the JDBC2-Tier plus architecture. What are the benifits of JDBC 2
Tier plus architecture? [6+2+8]
4. (a) What is meant by a Flat Transaction?
(b) Explain the mechanism of OSI TP Two-phase commit Protocol.
(c) What are the limitations of the Flat Transactions? [3+8+5]
5. (a) What are the functions of a TP monitor? What is funneling?
(b) Explain how the TP monitor performs its Funneling act.
(c) What is Groupware? How is it different from SQL Databases? [5+6+5]
6. (a) Explain how the following internet mail protocols work:
i. POP3
ii. IMAP4
iii. SMTP.
(b) Explain the two types of client/server conferencing technologies-realtime and
(c) What are the differences between Process-oriented and Ad hoc work flows?
7. (a) Explain briefly the functions provided by the combined Notes/Domino client/server
application development and run-time environment.
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Code No: RR421203 Set No.3
(b) Give a simple model that breaks the client/server tool market around five
axes. [8+8]
8. Write notes on the following:
(a) Web security
(b) Symmetric and Asymmetric multi processing.
(c) ACID properties. [4+6+6]
IV B.Tech. II Semester Regular Examinations, May -2007
(Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
collection of components?
(b) Give examples of 3-tier client/server systems.
(c) Explain what server programs expect from their operating system. [6+2+8]
2. (a) Explain the public/private key approach to encryption with the help of a
suitable diagram.
(b) Explain how MOM (message-oriented Middleware) allows clients and servers
to communicate across a network.
(c) What are Named pipes? What are its benefits? [5+7+4]
3. (a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the following data base server
i. Process-per-client architecture
ii. Multithreaded architecture
iii. Hybrid architecture.
(b) Explain with a diagram the 3-tier JDBC architecture.
(c) What are the four levels of data base transactions defined by IBM’s DRDA
(Distributed Relational Data base Architecture)? [7+4+5]
4. (a) What is a Data ware house?
(b) What are the various elements of a Data ware housing system?
(c) What is Data mining? What searching methods generally the data mining
tools use?
(d) List the ACID properties. [2+6+4+4]
5. (a) Give the differences between Transactional and Non-Transactional communi-
cation mechanisms.
(b) What are the benefits of using the client/server oriented TP monitors?
(c) Give the steps in an OLAP client/server interaction. [5+7+4]
6. (a) What is Groupware? Why is it important? How is it different from TP
(b) What is meant by work flow? Explain the Action work flow model with
suitable diagrams.
(c) What is Lotus Notes/Domino? [6+7+3]
7. (a) Explain how Domino allows to replicate databases across servers(and clients).
(b) List the operations that can be performed using the Lotus Notes API.
(c) What kind of services does a Domino Mail server provide? [6+6+4]
8. Write notes on the following:
(a) The Five Axes of client/server Tools.
(b) TP-Lite and TP-Heavy systems.
(c) Benefits of JDBC 2-tier plus architecture. [6+5+5]
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