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( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
1. Explain the following terms:
(a) Charge
(b) Electric potential
(c) Potential difference
(d) Electric current
(e) Resistance
(f) Conductance
(g) Power
(h) Electrical energy. [2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2]
2. Using Thevenin’s theorem, find the current through the 7
 resistor as shown in
figure 2. [16]
Figure 2
3. (a) State and explain faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.
(b) Write short notes on Lenz’s law.
(c) A coil of 1000 turns of wire uniformly wound on a non-magnetic ring of mean
diameter 40 cm and cross-sectional area 20 Calculate
i. The inductance of the coil.
ii. The energy stored in the magnetic field when the coil is carrying a current
of 15A.
iii. The emf induced in the coil if this current is completely interrupted in
0.01 second. [5+3+8]
4. (a) Explain the terms:
i. In-phase vectors

ii. Lead-Lag vectors.
(b) Calculate the current, power, power factor and voltage across the resistor of

 in series with a inductor of 20H and a capacitor of 14 µF excited by an
AC supply of 110 V. [6+10]
5. (a) The full load voltage drop in a single phase transformer is 3% and 6% re-
spectively due to resistance and leakage reactance. The full load ohmic loss is
equal to the iron loss. Calculate:
i. The efficiency on full load at unity p.f
ii. The full load p.f at which the voltage drop is maximum
iii. The load p.f at which the voltage drop is zero.
(b) A 200 / 400V, 50Hz 1 phase transformer on test gave following readings:
O.C (l.v): 200V, 0.7A, 70W, S.C (h.v): 15V, 10A, 80W. Find voltage regula-
tion at 0.8 p.f lagging at full load. [8+8]
6. (a) What are the differences between a DC shunt motor and a DC series motor.
(b) Why a DC series motor cannot be started on no load? Explain.
(c) Explain the principle of torque production in a DC motor. [6+5+5]
7. (a) Give the constructional features of a synchronous motor.
(b) Explain the working of a synchronous motor. [8+8]
8. (a) Bring out the advantages and disadvantages of MI and MC instrument.
(b) Bring out the differences between various methods of producing controlling
torque. [8+8]
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆

I B.Tech Regular Examinations, May/Jun 2008
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
1. Explain the following terms:
(a) Charge
(b) Electric potential
(c) Potential difference
(d) Electric current
(e) Resistance
(f) Conductance
(g) Power
(h) Electrical energy. [2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2]
2. (a) State Thevenin’s theorem. Discuss its significance on the network theory.
(b) For the circuit shown in figure 2b, find the resistance between the terminals
A and B.
Figure 2b
3. An iron ring has a mean diameter of 25 cm and a cross-sectional area of 4 It
is wound with a coil of 1200 turns. An air gap of 1.5 mm width is cut in the ring.
Determine the current required in the coil to produce a flux of 0.48 mwb in the air
gap if the relative permeability of the iron under these conditions is 800. Neglect
magnetic leakage and fringing. [16]
4. (a) Explain the behaviour of AC through R-C series circuit.
(b) A resistor carries two alternative currents having same frequency and phase
and having the same peak value of 20A. One is sinusoidal and the other is
rectangular in waveform. Find the RMS value of the resultant current.[6+10]

5. (a) Draw a no load phasor diagram and explain it.
(b) Enumerate the various losses in a transformer. How can these losses be mini-
mized. [6+10]
6. (a) Based on the type of excitation classify the DC generators.
(b) A 4 pole DC generator with a shunt field resistance of 100 
 and armature
resistance of 1 
 has 378 wave connected conductors in its armature. The
flux per pole is 0.02 Wb. If a load resistance of 10 
 is connected across the
Armature terminals and the generator is driven at 1000 rpm, calculate the
power absorbed by the load. [6+10]
7. (a) Why synchronous motors are not self starting. Explain.
(b) What are the various methods of making synchronous motors self starting?
Explain. [6+10]
8. Explain with neat sketch the construction and working of a MI voltmeter and MC
voltmeter. [8+8]

I B.Tech Regular Examinations, May/Jun 2008
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
1. (a) A copper wire of diameter 1cm has resistance of 0.15
. It was drawn under
pressure so that its diameter was reduced to 50%. What is the new resistance
of the wire?
(b) State and explain Faradays law of electromagnetic induction. [10+6]
2. Explain the following terms:
(a) Graph
(b) Tree
(c) Co-tree
(d) Oriented graph
(e) Sub graph
(f) Link
(g) Short circuit
(h) Open circuit. [2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2]
3. Define the following:
(a) Magnetic field
(b) Magnetic circuit
(c) Magnetic flux
(d) Magnetic flux density
(e) MMF
(f) Reluctance
(g) Magnetic field strength
(h) Permeability. [16]
4. (a) Calculate:
i. The admittance Y
ii. The conductance G and
iii. Susceptance B of a circuit consisting of a resistor of 20 
 in series with
an inductor of 0.3 H, when the frequency is 60 Hz.
(b) A 20 
 resistance and 30 mH inductance are connected in series and the circuit
is fed from a 230 V, 50 Hz AC supply. Find
i. Reactance across the inductance, impedance, admittance, current
ii. Voltage across the resistance
iii. Voltage across the inductance
iv. Real, reactive and active powers
v. Power factor [8+8]
5. (a) A 100KVA 1 phase transformer has full load primary current of 400A and
total resistance referred to primary is 0.006 
. If the iron loss amounts to
500W, find the efficiency at full load and half load at
i. Unity power factor
ii. 0.8 power factor.
(b) A 120 KVA, 2000 / 200V 1 phase transformer takes a current of 50 A and
2400 W at 100V when the low voltage winding is short circuited. Determine
the load voltage and % regulation when delivering full load current at 0.8p.f
lagging, the supply voltage being 2000V. [8+8]
6. (a) Derive the expression for the armature torque and shaft torque of a DC motor.
(b) The armature of a 6 pole, DC shunt motor takes 300 A at the speed of 400
revolutions per minute. The flux per pole is 75 mWb. The number of armature
turns is 500. The torque lost in windage, friction and iron losses can be
assumed a 2.5%. Calculate [6+10]
i. Torque developed by the armature
ii. Shaft torque
iii. Shaft power in KW.
7. (a) Give the constructional features of a synchronous motor.
(b) Explain the working of a synchronous motor. [8+8]
8. What is meant by underdamping and critical damping? Explain. [8+8]

I B.Tech Regular Examinations, May/Jun 2008
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
1. Find the current through and the voltage across all the elements by using Kirchoff‘s
laws as shown in figure 1. [16]
Figure 1
2. (a) Give a detailed comparison of series and parallel circuit.
(b) What are the applications, merits and demerits of a series circuit?
(c) What are the applications and advantages of a parallel circuit? [6+5+5]
3. (a) Define mutual inductance. Obtain an expression for the same.
(b) The number of turns in a coil is 250 when a current of 2A flows in this coil,
the flux in the coil is 0.3 mwb. When this current is reduced to zero in 2
ms, the voltage induced in a coil lying in the vicinity of coil is 63.75 V. If the
coefficient of coupling between the coils is 0.75, find self inductances of two
coils, mutual inductance and no of turns in the second coil. [6+10]
4. Derive an expression for RMS value, average value, form factor and peak factor for
(a) Square waveform
(b) Trapezoidal waveform. [8+8]
5. (a) What is the difference between an ideal transformer and a practical trans-
(b) Derive the approximate equivalent circuit of a 1 phase transformer. [4+12]
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Code No: 07A1EC07 Set No. 4
6. (a) Derive the expression for the armature torque and shaft torque of a DC motor.
(b) The armature of a 6 pole, DC shunt motor takes 300 A at the speed of 400
revolutions per minute. The flux per pole is 75 mWb. The number of armature
turns is 500. The torque lost in windage, friction and iron losses can be
assumed a 2.5%. Calculate [6+10]
i. Torque developed by the armature
ii. Shaft torque
iii. Shaft power in KW.
7. (a) How is a rotating magnetic field produced in a three phase induction motor?
Explain in detail with relevant phasors.
(b) Give in detail the operating principle of a three phase induction motor. [8+8]
8. With a neat sketch, explain the principle of operation of the repulsion type and
attraction type moving iron instruments. [8+8]
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